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Liver Treatment Clinic and Liver Transplant Surgery

Swagat Hospitals is a rapidly growing quaternary care multispeciality hospital that has established new benchmark in healthcare in the eastern India. Swagat Hospitals includes 2 independent hospitals with a combined capacity of 140 beds, servicing 22 medical specialities with help of 65 specialist doctors. The moto of Swagat Hospitals is the one stop center for all surgical and medical speciality treatment with state of the art transplant facilities, providing treatment for various patients of end stage liver failure and giving a new life through various transplant initiatives under a team of experienced doctors.
Swagat Institute of Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary Disease is the Center of Excellence for comprehensive quality care for both Live and Deceased (Cadaveric) Donor Liver Transplantations. The Institute includes Multi disciplinary Liver Transplant Team equipped with dedicated Liver intensive Care Units (LICU) that helps to accomplish Complex Hepatobiliary Surgeries with world class results and is one of its kind in the North East India and the only centre to provide regular round the clock Liver care.
Some of the salient Features of the institute includes
Dedicated Specialists
- Completely in-house liver care Team with surgeons having vast work experience.
- Transplant hepatoologists and gastroenterologists
- Hepato-pancreatico-biliary diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy specialists.
- Liver anaesthetists and intensivists.
- Intervention and diagnostic radiologists
- Histopathologists and Cytopathologists.
Dedicated Theatres
- Environment friendly latest modular green operating theatres designed especially for Liver and biliary surgery.
- Liver operations performed with latest technology ensuring safety and accuracy.
- Specially equipped Liver theatres, Harmonic, Cell Saver, CUSA machine and TEG Monitors and all states of art instruments and equipment.
- Dedicated Transplant trained OT scrub nurses and technicians.
Dedicated LICU
- State of art ICU with all types monitors and well-experienced & committed nursing staff.
- Advanced hemodynamic monitoring and renal replacement therapy.
- Intensivist trained in post liver transplant care available round the clock.
- Separate step-down ward for post liver Transplant patients.
- Laminar flow environment with plasmapheresis
Dedicated Supporting Services
- State-of-the art imaging by 64-slice CT, 1.5 Tesla MRI.
- North east India's first state of art cardiac and interventional lab equipped with the latest "AZURION" from Philips.
- Fully automated systems and unique infection control systems.
- Dedicated CSSD equipped with high end plasma sterilizer.
Liver Disease treatment in Guwahati
Swagat Institute of Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary Disease is one of the first one-stop provider of care for patients with disorders of liver and biliary system. The department of hepatology covers a wide spectrum of diseases including patients with both acute and chronic liver disease caused due to Alcohol, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, metabolic liver disease (Hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease) and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)/Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). Additionally, other liver and biliary disorders like Liver and biliary tumors and other disease like Biliary Duct Atresia, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis are also covered.
Liver Transplantation is a complex procedure not just from the surgical aspect of it but also because it requires a multidisciplinary approach which involves multiple specialities.
Liver Transplantation in India is a well evolved procedure. Most transplantations happen in cities like Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi. Patients from far travel to these centres. While most living donor liver transplantations happen in the northern part of India, the Southern states perform more deceased donor transplantations and hardly any cases have been attempted in any centres of the north eastern states with the exception of only one centre in Assam that has done only two cases. Around 1000-1500 Liver transplantations happen in India every year.
In the NE part of India, there is lack of liver transplantation facilities. Swagat hospitals is now ready to fill in that lacuna to provide regular services to needy patient.
Types of Transplant Facility:
Living Donor Liver Transplantation and Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation.
- For decompensate Liver diseases in all age group.
- Liver Tumors in Cirrhosis patients.
- Acute on chronic liver failures.
- Acute Liver Failures.
- Combined liver-kidney transplantation.
Special Protocols for Transplantation
- Cadaveric Split Liver Transplantation.
- ABO incompatible Liver Transplantation (Still in progress)
- Swap Liver Transplantation.
Our Liver Transplant Doctors Team

Transplant Lead Surgeon
Dr. Basant Mahadevappa, MBBS, MS, MACS
American Society of Transplant Surgeons(ASTS) accredited Transplant Surgeon
Dr. Basant Mahadevappa is a Transplant and HPB surgeon and he has performed over 276 liver transplantations. He has vast experience in both living and deceased donor liver transplantation.

Prof. Subhash Khanna,
Dr. Subhash Khanna is the Chief Department of Minimal Access, GI and Robotic Surgery, Swagat Super Speciality Surgical Institute, Guwahati, is presently the Founder President-Association of Robotic and Innovative Surgeons and Trustee and past President of Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo surgeons, He is also an editor of (Flexible Endoscopy) JMAS and Chief Editor of Recent Advances in MAS and in the editorial board of various indexed journals and has pioneered and initiated most of the new advanced procedures. Dr. Khanna has an experienced of over 20000 laparoscopic surgeries and G.I Endoscopic biliary and pancreatic procedures.

Transplant Hepatologist
Dr. Amitava Goswami, MBBS, MD, DM
Dr Amitava Goswami is a senior gastroenterologist and hepatologist of the northeast India and is trained in Institute of Liver and Biliary sciences, New Delhi for 2 years in liver transplant and also trained in Medanta for one year. He has completed DM from Sampurnanand Medical college Rajasthan Currently member of ASGE, ISG and INASL.

Transplant Surgical Oncologist
Dr. Areendam Baruah
MS, MCh Surgical Oncology (AIIMS, Delhi)
Senior Onco and Robotic Surgeon
Dr. AreendamBarua is the liver transplant surgical oncologist. He has done his MCh in Surgical oncology from the prestigious AIIMS, Delhi. He has the first Robotic cancer surgery in Northeast India to his credit and has a number of national and international publications in the field of oncology. He is also a reviewer for reputated surgical journals. He is one of the few surgical oncologists in the country who is also trained in advanced endoscopic procedures like ERCP AND Cholangioscopy for the management of bile duct malignancies. He is trained in Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC for colorectal and ovarian cancers

Transplant Anaesthetist/Intensivist
Dr. Ayushman Khanna
Dr. Ayushman Khanna is a CRITICAL CARE specialist dealing with Emergency & Critical Patients day in and out. During his training, Dr. Ayushman received many accolades and was also awarded the best thesis for Post-Graduate in 2017. He Volunteered for Pediatric Critical Care workshops and also took training in Ultrasound and ECHO for ICU. He has been ever since working dedicatedly in the field of ICU and Emergency and was given the post of ICU incharge for COVID patients in KALAPAHAR in (Kamrup Metro) from NOV 2020 TO DEC 2020. Later he also was associated with Gauhati Medical College as an ICU incharge of running a 56-bed capacity ICU with a highly dedicated team.
He is now the ICU incharge of SwagatSuperspeciality Hospital and runs a 26 bed ICU with a team of highly skilled and ambitious doctors. He is trying to create an environment of affordable and safe care in ICU and trying to save as many lives as possible. He has undergone observership for liver transplant at Max Hospital, Delhi.
His vision is to improve the emergency and ICU status all over Assam and promote the provision of basic care for patients in an emergency situation.

Dr. Angkita Barman
Dr. Angkita Barman is an intensivist with a pleasant experience of over 7 yrs in the field of Critical care Medicine. She is knowledgeable, resourceful and highly dedicated in the management of the critically ill patients. She has pursued her post graduation training (ANESTHESIOLOGY) at NEIGRIHMS Shillong, 2015 followed by DNB and IDCCM. She has volunteered for various critical care workshops and conferences. She has been trained in USG (Chest and abdomen)/ECHO/Minimally invasive Hemodynamic monitoring/ Tracheostomy/ Bronchoscopy and ovservership in Critical care management of Liver transplant patients. She was awarded the best thesis presentation at a zonal conference and has her thesis published in international journal of critical care
She is at present working as a senior ICU consultant at Swagat Superspeciality Hospital, Maligaon, Guwahati.

Dr. Shabbir Khan
Dr Shabbir Khan is a trained Anesthesiologist and critical care specialist and is presently working as a senior consultant at Swagat Superspeciality Surgical Institute. He did his graduation from AMCH and his Postgraduation in Anesthesiology and critical care from GMCH. He has also worked in the prestigious AIIMS in emergency medicine. He has multiple national and international publications. He is also a faculty for AIIMS, BECC and AIIMS ultrasound life support courses. He has trained more than 500 doctors and paramedics in handling emergency cases. His area of interest is general and regional anesthesia.